Sunday, July 25, 2010

Power Wheels

Possession of controlling influence denotes power. Power is a powerful intoxicant that people who control it would effort everything to retain it. The fact that the globe revolves around itself is a vintage fact today. The globe revolves today on the power wheels of politics. The power wheels greased and rotated with the power of money. Individuals, politicians, elders, children and even a beggar who doesn't know how to enjoy the money would want money. Because money has evolved to be an axis for the power wheels.

I am also fond of power. But I never thought about the wrong means to achieve it or exercise power just for survival. I want power to empower disadvantaged. I want power to empower the helpless. I want power to distribute power to ensure power of equality. But would there be a value to power when it is equally distributed. We know money has its value in the market because 90% is hold by 10% of the people. That means 90% of the population survive every day to earn money. It is the only commodity required by every one to take birth, to breath, to survive and to extinct. Yes, even death demands money. We can't bid bye to a deceased without a penny in our hand.

The above situation amply makes it clear the power of power.

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